Why fear touching?

A friend called

To know how safe

Was it to love

By touching the beloved

Without causing harm

To self and the other

I said just touch

Simply and honestly

Not for the action

But for the feelings

For safety of warmth

Another human body

Gives to another

A touch is safe

When it is

To love and honor

Oneself and the other

The anxiety of the Act

Keeps you from loving

Another being who

Like you is a baby

Still wanting to be

Held by a mother

Honored by a father

For simply being

A human being

Like a cub who

Snuggles up to

The tigress.

You are the mother

You are the father

You are the child

You are the lover

You are the Beloved

You are nothing but

Love so pure

Then why fear!

About Dola Dasgupta

I am primarily an unschooling mom of two beautiful children. I am a storyteller, Self Awareness Coach/Facilitator of Circles. I am actively involved in supporting and facilitating parents who wish to home educate their children and provide counsel to parents who wish to know more about attachment and spiritual parenting. I am a pupil of life. I am a traveler through time and space, whose life is vibrant. Much of what I write is coming from self reflection and experimentation with life itself. I trust that life is always loving and spirit is always present to guide us on the path to self discovery, if one is willing to pay heed to the voice of spirit. I firmly believe children are born to us to help us heal our deeper wounds. They reflect all that is unresolved within our inner child. As parents one gets a second chance to live differently by dissolving the internal barriers of conditioning that prevents free thinking and free living. I also feel we meet many masters throughout life in the form of friends, relatives, our children and strangers, who in their unique ways help us take a closer look at our own hearts and souls. Each time we are invoking the power of healing, through lovers, friends, spouses, children and the community one is part of, we are getting closer to our soul's calling. If one were to take nothing personally but only as an opportunity for self realization and understanding, life could become very exciting and enriching. You can contact me on doladg@gmail.com or check me out on Facebook.
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1 Response to Why fear touching?

  1. hemmm, simple, and clear and beautiful.

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